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    LED-2-Link accessories

    LED-2-Link Showcase Profile 1m


    showcase profile for integration of LED 2 Link Spot, Pixel or Flood, for cover profile 15mm, necessary accessory: holding arm with or without supply cable
  • 61500032703
  • eventualmente disponibili in quantità limitata
  • Versioni disponibili

    Scegli tra le versioni seguenti. Quella attualmente selezionata è evidenziata a colori.

    N. articolo Denominazione Colore esterno Esterno in metallo Regolabile Tipo di struttura Grado di protezione Classe di protezione
    61500032703LED-2-Link Showcase Profile 1mneroLuce lineare--
    61500032763LED-2-Link Showcase Profile 2,95m set of 5neroLuce lineare--
    61500032701LED-2-Link Showcase Profile 1malluminio anodizzatoLuce lineare--
    61500032761LED-2-Link Showcase Profile 2,95m set of 5alluminio anodizzatoLuce lineare--
    61500032913LED-2-Link holding arm 300mm with supply cable 2,5m max. 48Wnero-IP20SK3
    61500032903LED-2-Link holding arm 300mm without supply cablenero---
    61500032911LED-2-Link holding arm 300mm with supply cable 2,5m max. 48Walluminio anodizzato-IP20SK3
    61500032901LED-2-Link holding arm 300mm without supply cablealluminio anodizzato---
    61500030003Mounting Sleeve LED Mounting Profile blackneroNo---
    61500030007Mounting Sleeve LED Mounting Profile anodized aluminiumalluminio anodizzatoNo---
    61500032813LED Cover Profile 15mm 1m-NoNo---
    61500032863LED Cover Profile 15mm 2,95m set of 5-NoNo---
    61500032810LED Cover Profile 15mm 1m-NoNo---
    61500032861LED Cover Profile 15mm 2,95m set of 5-NoNo---
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